Last week I went to Girl Scout Camp with 6 of my little Girl Scouts and 2 "Tia's", the adult group leaders. The camp is held twice a year at the National Girl Scout campground and this year there were over 200 girls present. It was intense, to say the least. Every morning we got up at 5:30 am to girls singing us the wake-up song, followed by group exercises (in the dark), and freezing cold showers. It was a fun experience but it was mentally and physically exhausting.
On the first day we were divided into little "hives", which we would stay in for the rest of the week. My group was six 8-9 year olds who I had never met before. They were a lot of fun but also very challenging. Every day the majority of our day was filled with crafting, which is right up my alley, but they also sat through a presentation on AIDS and another on self esteem. Unfortunately, two of my girls had a cruel streak and would only refer to another of my girls as "Gorda" (basically, "Fatso"), refusing to even learn her name. They were very difficult to deal with at times.
This is Angelica, in her brown cowboy hat. She was one of my favorites. She slept in the bed next to mine in our cabin and had quite the attitude. But it wasn't a mean attitude, just strong. She cracked me up all the time, often seeming like an overly dramatic telenovela star.
This is my hive. Genezareth, Angelica, Marianne, Jennifer, Abilmaleth, and Ashley. The woman on the left is Tia Chela. She was supposedly my partner but she never worked with us.
One day we went into the regional capital with the girls for a field trip. While they were all in the church I went wandering around and just happened to be standing there when the circus came to town. They drove through the main streets, promoting their show, and I got some great pictures. 

Emily (on the left), Manuela, Angelica, and Maylin (center) on the top bunk, next to my bed. There were adorable.
These are all the Tias for the Abeja (8-10 year olds) group. The middle two in the bottom row are the ones from my site, Argelis and Edith. I'm in the back row in the middle.
On the Friday night of the camp they had the Crowning Ceremony. Each town that had brought a group selected a candidate to be queen. The candidates then made a grand entrance, danced around, and the winner was selected out of a hat. These are the girls that came from my town, with our candidate (Angela). She's the one with the feather in her face. Unfortunately she didn't win, but it was still fun.
This is our cabin. I had a really great time with all of the girls and they were amazingly well behaved. But I am TIRED. The girls went to bed around 10 every night but the Tias had to go to a meeting and often we didn't get to sleep until midnight. After chasing little girls around all day and speaking/hearing Spanish nonstop, I needed more than 5 hours of sleep each night, but it wasn't to be. Either way, I had a really great time and I'm glad I went. Did I mention it was six days long? Getting home on Sunday was the greatest feeling ever.
When I first moved into my new house a year ago this month I put up a picture of my big empty front room, lamenting the lack of furniture/coziness. Over the last 12 months I've acquired a make shift couch (on cinder blocks), 4 plastic dining chairs, and 2 plastic Adirondack chairs. My house now feels like home. (Mom, note Xena sitting with the pillows on the couch). You can't see it very well in the picture but to the left of the world map on the back wall I have a picture of Brad Pitt (c. Fight Club), which one of my neighbor's gave me from her teeny bopper magazine. Love it! And, of course, on the left wall- all my cards and photos from you!
This is my host-sister, Yaneth. She is one of my favorite people. She has been so welcoming and loving since the moment I got here and has really made me feel at home in Atalaya. Recently I went to her son's 5th birthday party. Little Yosuet (below) is adorable but is an absolute terror. Being the youngest of four, and the only boy, he is spoiled rotten. But man is he cute!

Yosuet spent a fair amount of his birthday screaming or crying about something. Nobody could stop laughing, though, when Yosuet moved his biggest fit to underneath the table. Poor Yaneth told me that she was beside herself with him. 
This is a not very good photo of my host mom, Gudelia, and my host Dad, Jose. They are the most wonderful, generous people and I've really enjoyed being a part of their family.
I really intended to write more, to be funny and entertaining, when I first sat down to this blog but I am so tired I can't do it. After 5 nights at Girl Scout Camp I had one night at home, where the water was out and I got about 5 hours of sleep, and then I took off for a training seminar, which is where I'm at now. Tomorrow I leave here to head to Panama City for a night, to meet with the committee that is planning our All Volunteer Conference.
Everything that I've been doing has been a lot of fun and I've really enjoyed participating but a huge part of me just wants to go home, see my host family, and hang out in my hammock. I really love my community and I feel really comfortable there so I can't wait to get back to it.