After Tech week we headed out to culture week. We were divided up by our provinces so four other trainees and I headed to southern Veraguas to the small town of Mariato which just happened to be right near the beach.
We walked along the beach for awhile and collected some coconuts, which we later cracked open for a snack. I had never had fresh coconut milk before and I have to admit, I wasn't impressed. But the meat inside the coconut is one of the best things I have ever tasted. I could totally be addicted. It can be tricky getting all the meat out though, if you're using a machete, which is the weapon/tool/kitchen cutlery of choice in rural Panama. This is Freddy, working on the coconut. It was sooo good!
Anyway, after cultural week we went back to our training site for awhile. I can't really remember what we did during that week. To be honest, it is all kind of a blur these days. But eventually the big day came: Site Visit. After a two day conference with our community guides we finally got to see our sites. The whole experience was so overwhelming. There I was, with a man I had just met, in the house of a woman with whom I would be living for three months, speaking and struggling to understand a language that, until that point, I thought I had a good grasp of. It turns out that understanding Spanish spoken by other gringos or Spanish teachers is far easier than understanding it when it is spoken by natives who speak a thousand words a minute, with little pronunciation and a tendency to drop their s's (which are pretty prevalent in Spanish). Imagine that.
So most of my 5 day stay in my community was a combination of me nodding and smiling or saying "what?" after every sentence. Thankfully, they were very patient with me and my community guide dutifully repeated all the important things very slowly and concisely. I swear, one of these days I will stop translating everything into English in my head and actually start thinking in Spanish, but it hasn't happened yet.
It was also a difficult visit because it happened to coincide with my birthday. As most people know I am a bit like an eight year old child when it comes to my birthday- I want everyone to celebrate it, and not just on October 12th. In my world it is a month long event, punctuated by various parties, trips to the beach, and presents. Yes, I recognize how narcissistic and selfish this tradition is, but I accept this about myself (and I'd be happy to make an equ
Unfortunately, I was not with anyone I knew on my birthday. My friends, who were scattered around the country, all texted me a Happy Birthday, which was really nice and I was able to talk to my parents and my best friend back in the states, but it certainly wasn't the same. I suppose this is part of growing up. Though you better believe that my 29th birthday back in the states in 2010 is going to be one hell of a festival!
My community, by the way, is amazing. (These pictures are of the church near my house). It's pretty wealthy so I'm actually not roughing it like most of the volunteers. While they were having difficulties with intestinal parasites (although I am just getting over Giardia) I was enjoying fresh water and delicious food. Today we all shared our experiences and I think I have the most "ye-ye" site (a Panamanian term for rich). A handful of the volunteers don't have electricity and most use latrines, but my house has a refrigerator and two indoor bathrooms. It's kind of crazy. I talked to the country director today and he said that he had originally been con
cerned about sending a volunteer to my site because it was so developed and he thought that the volunteer might be disappointed since most expect to live in abject poverty, among the poorest of the country. But I assured him that I am just fine with my situation. While the experie
nce would be drastically different if I had been given a more "typical" Peace Corps experience, the idea that I will be living the next two years comfortably, in a beautiful and friendly community, while becoming fluent in Spanish and working alongside my community members, seems wonderful to me. I wanted to work in a foreign country for two years and that is exactly what I will be doing, while using a flush toilet. It's perfect.
I have so many more pictures to share but none of them are loading. Hopefully I can get them up soon. Next week we'll be staying in Cuidad del Saber again, which has wireless internet, so I'll try again then. Oh, FYI, I become a real Peace Corps Volunteer on next Thursday, October 25th! I am so excited! We also get our first paycheck, which I'm looking forward to. We don't get paid much so I can't really afford to buy anything, but still, paychecks are nice. :) Then my friends and I are heading to Santa Clara, a beach town on the Pacific side of Panama. There are white sand beaches and little cabins that we can stay in. I can hardly wait. These past two months have been crazy and we deserve a little vacation before we report to our sites on Sunday!
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