Anyway, after saying goodbye to Kelly at the airport in Panama City I flew to Portland. It felt amazing to be home. My mom, Dad, and little brother Justin met me at the airport. I was only in Portland for 12 days and it went by crazy fast. The reason I flew back was for my best friend's wedding reception (photo) but I took advantage of the opportunity to see a movie (so expensive!), drive cars (the freedom!), and eat lots and lots of great food. I gained back about 7 pounds from the 50 I'd lost in the previous 10 months, but I've lost those seven again, being back in Panama. For some reason I just don't have as much of an appetite when my options are white rice and lentils.
Christy's wedding reception was beautiful and it was really great to spend time with her. My parents were really amazing and they threw me a huge party the Saturday before I left so I got the chance to see all of my friends and family. Thank you so much to all of you who drove from far away lands to come do relay races, drink cocktails, and jam out on Rock Band!

I didn't see much of Adie and Liz during their trip, which actually worked out pretty well. As much as I love to have visitors, it can be expensive for me to run around the country with them, especially since I've already seen most of the touristy places. Which is why I love it when people come down in pairs. :) Adie and Liz were able to see Boquete, El Valle, and Bocas del Torro.
Towards the end of their trip they visited me in my site and then we went to Santa Clara where we stayed in a (slightly stinky) cabin on the beach, swam in the warm ocean, and soaked up some hammock time in little thatch-roofed huts. It was pretty perfect.
Anyway, my friends and I went to the site of a friend of ours in the Comarca. His house is a simple wooden structure on stilts with the most amazing view of the jungle. The picture hardly does it justice- you can't tell, but the Pacific Ocean is clearly visible in the distance. The level of education in the Comarca (and throughout most of Panama) leaves a lot to be desired and one of our goals as Peace Corps volunteers is to spread the word about AIDS, among other things. We presented our information to just over 70 Ngobe children around the age of 10. It was a lot of fun and a really great experience for all us.
While I thoroughly enjoy working with my Girl Scouts and my EcoClub, I hope to focus more on AIDS charlas in the future. It is tempting to believe that AIDS, while problematic everywhere, is mostly an issue in Africa. Sadly, it is rapidly spreading throughout Latin America and the education, due to inadequate information and funding as well as the abstinence promoting Catholic government, is severly lacking. Also, it just feels good to know that you are making a difference in a child's life. (And the silly games and condom demonstrations are just plain fun!) :)
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